Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Random thoughts....

- Is the week before Christmas (with a week vacation following) the longest week of the year?

- How in the world can it be 74 one day and 44 the next? Global warming????

- Click was a really good movie. Not at all what you would expect from Adam Sandler.

- Does anyone else prefer to buy presents for people than to recieve them?

- If I had 1/4 of the energy of my 3-year old........

- The Cowboys will win the NFC East and play in the NFC Title game.

- Which is easier, snowboarding or skiing?

- Why is it so hard for people to think of others before themselves?

- If I only had the imagination of my 3, 6, and 8 year olds.........

- Which is harder? Getting to the top or staying there?

- Who else knows the theme songs for the Heat-miser and the Cold-miser? Come on, admit it.
I'm Mister Heat Blister, I'm Mister Sun
I'm Mister Green Christmas........
I'm Mister Icycle, I'm Mister Snow,
I'm Mister White Christmas.......
- How great is it to watch the old Christmas specials with your kids? Thanks ABC Family
- Lost is the best show on TV
- Followed by Smallville and Daybreak
- What one super power would you want?
- I will be taking a road trip to the new Cowboys stadium when it opens in 2009.


DaddyBert said...

"Which is easier, snowboarding or skiing?"..... neither... sitting at the lodge drinking coffee with Rachel while Jason skis is the best.

Anonymous said...

You have rattled my brain...

The only question... WHO will Dallas play in the NFC title game?

Anonymous said...

Oh... and I totally know the Heat Miser and Cold Miser songs.

Lou said...

DA Bears

Rachel said...

My superpower would be to be invisible.

Mom of 6 said...

I'm thinking you all need to watch 24 -- IT is the best show on TV!