Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Life Point Church ROCKS!!!!

To be apart of a church that had the weekend that it just had is truely amazing.

First off, the BreakAway Retreat was incredible. Gary was a great speaker, the weather was great, and the kids had a great time. Aside from my "incident", it was a great time. (if i can figure out how to upload photos, i can show you what happened)

The Hunt 2 was also a great time. I participated in the entire Hunt this year (unlike last year when a car accident took me out). I was a Goon, and spent the night trying to through off the teams from their goals.

I think of how fortunate I am to belong to a church where the student/kids ministries are so incredible. I wonder how different my life would be had I had a BA Retreat or Hunt to be a part of when I was younger. As a church, we are truely blessed to have the leaders in place that we have. They ALL do a great job.

And to think, we will be having our first service in the new facility in less than 2 weeks!!!!!!

God is great!!!!


Mom of 6 said...

Amen! Our kids are experiencing something we never did! How cool.....