Monday, November 27, 2006

Tip? At McDonalds???? HUH?

I would like some opinions on a situation that Jen and I have disagreed on. Yesterday we had a birthday party for Tyler (3 years old) at a local McDonald's. The place has a large play-set and a seperated area. We invited 10 other 3-year olds and our two older boys. Several other siblings came, but they were not part of our party.

When we arrived, our "helper" told us that they didn't have the correct gift bags for the ages, but that she would try to find something age appropriate. She then seemed confused that we wanted a cake (we had requested this in advance). She told us what the kids could eat and drink. We were 15 minutes early, so we waited for the guests as the boys played in the tunnels.

Here is where is gets bizarre. Our "helper" then launches into this speech, and I'm paraphrasing, but not by more than 3 words.

"I don't know how to say this, but the party I did yesterday had 10 kids and they tipped me $10. And a party I did last week had 25 kids, and they didn't tip me ANYTHING!!! I brought out the food, and swept up when the party was over."

And then she walked away.

We had the party and during it I asked her if I could get some drinks for the adults. She told she would get to it in a minute. 15 minutes later.... no drinks. The kids then got their food, and no drinks. 10 minutes later, they got drinks. Still no adult drinks. So I proceeded to the counter and ordered them and brought them out to the adults. When the "helper" saw that I had done this, she stopped me and said she was going to get to the drinks, and showed me a list she had made. Mind you, I hadn't told her what any of the adults wanted. The list was the kids drink list.

Then she brought out ice cream, with no spoons. So I got the spoons. She then asked Jen for the plates for the cake. (Jen had called before the party to make sure that we didn't need plates, and they said no). We told her that and she said that she would get some.

Out comes the cake. The icing is melted, and the plates are the ones they use for pancake breakfasts. forks. So I get the forks, and the kids get a 2"x2" piece of cake on a 8"x12" plate.

The party ends and I pay. But no tip. Who tips at McDonalds????? Jen thinks I should have. I do not. Please advise.

Suffice it to say, that is one party that we (and the adults) will never forget.


Amy said...

No way, no tip at Mickey D's. Their employees make minimum wage (actually I think they make a little more than that), so no tip. I also liked it when the "party helper" asked Jen if she could go to the bathroom for a little bit right before she brought out the cake.

Lou said...

Exactly!!!!!! The party will live on in infamey!!!

Mom of 6 said...

Ok -- I am hysterical.... I probably would have tipped her because I would've felt badly, but she surely didn't deserve it!! That party was a memory for sure!!!! Isabella informed me that she "loves this place!" The kids had a blast -- that's all that mattered!

DaddyBert said...

I would have tipped but only a very small amount... $0.50 to $1. They say that makes an even bigger statement to the poor service than no tip at all. Amazing story.

Rachel said...

No tip.